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Metin2 yang and level 41-61 leveling Tricks

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Metin2 yang and level 41-61 leveling Tricks Empty Metin2 yang and level 41-61 leveling Tricks

Mensagem  asdfe Ter Ago 13, 2013 4:46 am

Level 41-50: it truly is advisable to lure at orc parties and about and inside temple. Exp and metin2 yang is pretty helpful. The products: get you a level 41 shield 6 along with a level 42 Armour 6 before level 45. The really hard thing: you get either a silver bracelet 9 or Ebony earrings before level 50. At level 40, you are permitted to acquire in to the Demon Tower, wield this for the upgrades. Just before level 50, I also recommend you make an effort to obtain the curse book Bio tasks accomplished along with the orc tooth. You can sell upgraded factors you got in DT to earn revenue and get buy metin2 yang. Black Orc Parties need to have the Archers within the valley, once you get level 25 you may see good parties after which lure for them.

Levels 50-61: this is the most complicated element, because orcs grant undesirable exp, you'll want to endeavor to look for other areas. The advised locations would be the demon tower cave1and 1st floor, and temple. After you get level 55, try cave2, you are able to lure for from time to time here, and it will be the most beneficial exp area now. Get the other item including silver bracelet or ebony earrings before level 61. You may buy cheap metin2 yang for level 61-65, level 50-55 metins, sell upgraded things you got in DT and kill Orc Chiefs to produce revenue. Just before level 60, get the Demon Keepsake Bio task, before level 6, get the M1 poly. Once at level 53/54 you may get the third master, it really should be finding at level 17.


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