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Tips for the Best Blader Build in your cabal game

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Tips for the Best Blader Build in your cabal game Empty Tips for the Best Blader Build in your cabal game

Mensagem  asdfe Ter Jul 16, 2013 5:02 am

Level 1-10: this is the pure questing, you should focus on additional stats and growth level look for next tier of armor. You will use go to buy cheap Cabal online Alz from us and have the Target apprentice asap skill when got apprentice, it is because of grinding or so, aiming at cash grinding or equipement which should not use a long time. At this moment the skills you wield are in face useless.

Level 10-20: similar as above, you should take any additional stats at 2/3 dex and 1/3 int. Level 20-30: Grinding here is rare, but you need to look for nice gear and Buy Cabal Online Alz from these levels. Similar as the previous level, you should insist on your growth level.
Cabal Alz
Level 30-40: be sure that you get full +3 skill exp gear, contains weapons, armor, Rings, and amulets. It is worth to use you money to this point, you can gain loads at higher levels. Any med or low upgrade cores for tier shadowsteel, aramid should be utilized on your adept because you would be utilizing it sometimes. level 40-50: you should buy cabal glod and get your growth level, additional stats go dex totally, weapons to at least +5 and Armor need be up to +3/4 full. Ensure that from those levels you make the expert rank. Grinding is not that significant, keep your crafting needed things as you will use it later on.


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